Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Time for a new post

OK - so I am not really great at keeping this up I will admit.  I'm busy you know. (just kidding)

So what can I tell you since the last post...

1.   I have finally been approved for the Gateway program at PARO and am now receiving E.I.  This is good and a bit scary because it really is happening.

2.   Our new logo is complete.

3.   We have a Facebook page

4.   I currently have a survey our for my business plan.  The writing of which hurts my head.  I find it really hard to write about things I mostly have to guess at.  (it is on the Facebook page if you want to fill it out)

Today I am taking a break from the writing and doing some baking.  Today and tomorrow I am making egg bread to test out how hard it is to make our own bread for French Toast.

Wish me luck!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Updates, Unemployment, Unhealthy

I know it has been a while but I though I would send a quick update to tell you all what we are up to.

Like the title says I am now unemployed - Yeah!!!!  We applied for a Federal program called Self Employed Benefits back in October and still do not have the official word on if I have been accepted.  Because of the way the program runs I can't do a whole lot on the restaurant until I am accepted... so we wait.  What I can do is work on my Business Plan and continue to cook and bake and work on the menu.  So that is what I am doing.  

Unfortunately, again like the title says I have been unhealthy for the last 3 weeks.  I have had a pretty bad lung infection that has kept me down but now with the correct cocktail of drugs in my system I am ready to go,

What have been doing with myself you ask?  Well the program I am hoping to start soon is run through PARO.
The PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise has helped thousands of women across Northern Ontario to start, grow or build new business opportunities.  And at PARO they run weekly workshops which I have been attending.  It is great for networking opportunities as well as a way for me to learn new stuff.  Especially helpful have been workshops about Thunder Bay specific things like market research and using the Public Library.  Things I would not have considered as a transplant here.  Wednesday I am going to a Record Keeping workshop - should be interesting.

One other very exciting piece of news is that we have changed out name a bit.  We are now called...

brunch - lunch - catering

We will be working with our very talented graphic designer Kerry Lee Bray to update the logo very soon.

Well that is all for now.  I will be back more regularly I promise.  This week I am making lemon and lime squares as well as brownies - I know you all want to see how they turn out.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mmmmmmmm Soup

So as my last day of work approaches quickly we have started to stock up on homemade stock so soup production can begin in earnest once I am done with the 9-5.

This weekend we started with Chicken Stock.  You may think Chicken stock begins with chicken bones, but that is where you would be wrong.  For us it started with a new freezer.  We picked up our new stand up freezer Friday afternoon. CHECK!

The next step was stock pots.  The small one on the right was what we already had - a large 6L stock pot that most people would think was adequate for the job.  But if you know us you know that we don't do anything half way.  We decided that the big boy 32L pot was what we needed.  BIG Stock Pot. CHECK!

Now we look at ingredients.  Chicken stock is pretty basic - chicken bones (we use chicken backs and necks), water, mirepoix (fancy French word for cut up mixture of carrots, onions, and celery) spices, and seasoning.  That is it.  Ingredients - CHECK!

Simmer forever - or 4 hours.
Mmmmmmm - smells yummy in the house.  CHECK!

Strain, strain again with cheesecloth and rapid cool to avoid bacteria growth - portion and into the fridge overnight so the fat layer will harden for easy removal.  Now this sounds pretty straight forward... wish it were so.

Start by trying to strain 8lbs of chicken bones, 1 lb of vegetable matter and 5.75 litres of water - all boiling HOT, out of a 32L very hot, big, bulky, and heavy pot.  That was a feat in itself and we accomplished it with no major burns and only a few four letter words (no love was not one of them)  Once we got all the strained liquid into the small 6 L pot from the photo above we had to cool it quickly from it's very hot 175 degrees F temp to 40 degrees F.  Normally you would accomplish this in an ice bath - but 6 L of boiling liquid requires more ice that our freezer holds.  We were able to get the temp down to about 110 F and ran out of ice.  Ingenious as we are we took advantage of the disgustingly cold Thunder Bay night and stuck the stock pot in the snow on our deck.  5 min later we were out of the danger zone and the stock was cool enough to portion and put in the fridge.  Portion and refrigerate.  CHECK!

That is all for now - I need to get into the kitchen and skim off the fat layer.  Then the stock will go into the new freezer for a couple of weeks just waiting for soup production.